We all want to be more efficient, right? Yet research shows that many business leaders are going about it the wrong way. Here are some ways that research suggests can help us be more efficient at the office. Focus on one thing at a time. You may think that...
Although many full-time employees are allowed a set number of PTO each year, only 23% of employees take off all of the time they are entitled to, and 9% take no paid time off, according to an article from CNBC. In 2018, American workers left 728 million vacation days...
Are you a leader known for your kindness? It’s the hallmark of an incredible personal leadership brand. Helping and supporting others can help them understand who you are and what you stand for. Consider the colleague or friend who is always willing to lend a...
In order to attract and retain the most qualified and talented employees, it’s crucial to offer competitive healthcare benefits. No employee wants to take a job at a company where they’re going to experience unnecessary stress over the future of their...
Being a good manager is made up of many skills. But what are some of the most valued to employers and employees alike? 1. Time management This might sound like a very specific skill, but good time management is indicative of several other skills. Managers with good...